Could You?

Exposed « Eating Journey.

This blog entry above is about loving your body in the stage it is in and for what it can do and not what it looks like. This blogger, Michelle, has lost over 100 lbs and like most women I know – still obsesses about what she looks like and the flaws that she sees when looking at herself.  I can surely relate.

Losing 100lbs is a feat in and of itself and should be celebrated for the hard work and determination and downright strength it took to get there, but yet most women would still not be happy there. I think there is good and bad in that. We should always be setting new goals for ourselves, but not at the cost of not celebrating and breathing in our successes.

Would you be able to post a picture like she did? I have a picture that I update month to month with my progress. Although I have shown it to close friends, I’m not quite ready to  display it to the world.  Soon though, i think…

2 responses to “Could You?”

  1. I’ve found that posting things like unattractive “before” photos, my weight, my body fat %, etc. is very liberating. Once those secrets are exposed they lose all their power and just become facts.

    I weighed 197 lbs.
    My body fat is 24.6%.
    My weight a few days ago was 147 lbs.

    See? Just data points. Not monsters or demons.

    It took me several years to get there, however. At my first Weight Watchers weigh-in, I was not all that keen to have anyone know my weight. But a few months later, I was over it. Numbers can’t hurt us.

    Sharing photos is a little harder but I don’t hate the girl in my before photos. I feel sad for her — but I know that’s not me any more and won’t be me again ever. My whole identity has changed… so looking at and sharing old photos is also kind of freeing.

    Try it!