Day: February 2, 2011

  • Quick Tips for National Cancer Prevention Month

    February is National Cancer Prevention Month and while most everyone focuses on diet, exercise, and quitting smoking as the core ways to prevent cancer – they’re forgetting another pillar of prevention. Reducing exposure to carcinogens in our everyday environments.Hundreds of carcinogenic chemicals have been identified and, unfortunately, they’re quite common in our air, water, food,…

  • Not all sources of protein are created equal

    In the most recent issue of Women’s Health magazine they had a short blurb about sources of protein and if they are all created equal –The answer was No. Up until recently, I never really thought about this. I always figured, protein is protein. But after looking into it and talking with others — you…

  • WOD + Challenge

    Today’s WOD at Crossfit Impavidus was all about kettle bells and box jumps! I am feeling yesterday’s WOD of Burpees and Dead lifts. I unwrapped my Foam Roller and used it to work out the muscles in my abductors/inductor area.  It’s like getting a painful massage — not sure where the joy is in that…