High Intensity Shorter Workouts Work

Dad and Nate

Shorter Workouts at High Intensity.

There are still some new athletes to CrossFit who are not sold on this idea of shorter workouts at high intensity. They are still sold on the idea that you have to workout and go at it for 45-60 minutes to really get a good workout. Is this because they like the rush they get or they are just part of the overall education problem about what works.

Science Daily talks about the research behind doing shorter workouts being effective: High-Intensity Interval Training Is Time-Efficient and Effective, Study Suggests

The key really is in the intensity you put in each workout. A 15minute leisurely approach isn’t going to work for very much but if you push yourself really hard in those 15mins — you don’t have anything left at the end and gave it all you had. That is the stuff that works! It’s all about intensity!

Mark Sisson talks about this topic and is himself a former believer of long workouts who now subscribes to the more high intensity, shorter duration workouts approach to help maintain his health and protect against injuries.

600m jog

  • bear crawl
  • crab walk
  • High Kicks
  • Lunges
  • 10 Handstands

KB Swings


  • Box Jumps
  • KB Swings

time: 9:52 

Asthma got me during the 400m runs but I keep at it — it’s not a crutch I’m willing to give into!

The pic above is of Nate and my dad. He’s visiting for a few days and has gotten to spend a lot of time with my kiddos. You can’t underestimate how important it is for your kids to spend quality time with their grandparents and other people from different generations. It gives them a different perspective and they get to be spoiled a bit by grandmas and grandpas.  I never had the chance to spend a lot of time with my grandparents so making sure that there are plenty of opportunities for my kids to is really important to me.

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